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What’s the World’s most craved food?

By Charles Hall, November 10th 2020 What is the most craved food in the world? Pizza? Rice? Ice cream? Nope...

Five things to maintain your Brain health as you age

We all age with each passing day. Aging brings physical and mental changes to our body and brain. One of...

Let’s talk about Probiotics

What’s the Deal? Probiotics. What are they? Why are all the health influencers promoting them on instagram and why should...

Benefits of Drinking Adequately for Brain Health

It’s the second half of the soccer championships and it’s nearly 95 degrees out with clear skies. At this point...

Gut-Brain Connection

Have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach before a big event? Or made a decision based on your gut...

Use Your Brain. Use Coconut Oil

Our brains, one of nature’s finest machines, incessantly produce thoughts and memories. Our brain gives our body commands to keep...

Exercise and Brain Health

By Amrita Sharma PhD, Neuropsychologist, July 22, 2020 Have you ever wondered about one magic activity that could reduce the...

Learn about the Brain

By Charles Hall, July 10, 2020 Brain Fundamentals Why is the human brain the most complex thing in the Universe?...

3 ways to have more meaningful, brain healthy conversations

By Erin Cline, June 22, 2020 As social distancing and isolation carry on due to COVID-19, 2020 has gradually transformed...